مسكن / حالات / تم تصدير HSA Microsilica إلى شركة خرسانة بريطانية

تم تصدير HSA Microsilica إلى شركة خرسانة بريطانية

تم تصدير دخان السيليكا HSA إلى شركة خرسانة بريطانية

شركة الخرسانة البريطانية, هي شركة رائدة في تصنيع وتوريد المنتجات الخرسانية عالية الجودة في المملكة المتحدة. The company has a reputation for using innovative materials and production methods to create durable and aesthetically pleasing concrete products.

The British concrete company came to know about Henan Superior Abrasives through an online search for suppliers of high-quality microsilica. After comparing the products and prices of several companies, They decided to work with Henan Superior Abrasives due to the high quality of its microsilica and competitive pricing.

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The British concrete company chose Henan Superior Abrasives for several reasons. أولاً, our microsilica has a high pozzolanic activity index, which means that it is highly reactive and can improve the strength and durability of concrete. بالإضافة إلى ذلك, the microsilica has a low moisture content, which makes it easier to handle and mix with other concrete materials. أخيراً, Henan Superior Abrasives offered a competitive price for its microsilica, making it an attractive option for The British concrete company.

Communication process

Communication between The British concrete company and Henan Superior Abrasives was conducted primarily through email and video conferencing. Initially, The British concrete company sent an inquiry to Henan Superior Abrasives requesting a quote for a large quantity of microsilica. After receiving the quote, The British concrete company had several questions about the product and requested more information about its properties and recommended usage. Henan Superior Abrasives promptly responded to these inquiries and provided detailed technical specifications and usage recommendations. The British concrete company then placed an order for the microsilica, and Henan Superior Abrasives provided regular updates on the order status and shipment details.

Customer feedback

The British concrete company was very satisfied with the quality of the microsilica received from Henan Superior Abrasives. The product was delivered on time and in good condition, and the technical specifications provided by the company were accurate and helpful in achieving the desired results. The British concrete company noted that the microsilica improved the strength and durability of their concrete products, and they were pleased with the competitive pricing of the product. The British concrete company expressed interest in continuing to work with Henan Superior Abrasives for future orders of microsilica.

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