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콘크리트 첨가제 목록

컬러 콘크리트


These admixtures reduce the amount of water needed in a concrete mix while maintaining workability. This can lead to several benefits, including increased strength, 향상된 내구성, and reduced shrinkage. There are two main types of water reducers: high-range water reducers (HRWRs) and mid-range water reducers (MRWRs).

Set retarders

These admixtures slow down the setting time of concrete. This can be helpful in hot weather or when long working times are required.

가속 혼화제

These admixtures speed up the setting time of concrete. 추운 날씨나 조기 근력이 필요할 때 도움이 될 수 있습니다..

이러한 촉진제는 또한 수화 속도를 증가시켜 콘크리트의 초기 강도를 향상시킵니다.. 초기 콘크리트 경화는 여러 상황에서 유익한 것으로 입증되었습니다., 거푸집 조기 철거 등, 경화 기간 단축, 긴급 수리, 저온 지역의 건설 및. 일부 일반적인 가속 혼합물에는 트리에탄올아민이 포함됩니다., 포름산칼슘, 실리카흄, 염화칼슘, 그리고 잘게 나누어서 실리카흄. 이들 중, calcium chloride is the cheaper and more commonly used accelerating admixture.

94% 고밀도 실리카 흄
가속 혼화제 – 실리카흄

Air entrainers

These admixtures introduce tiny air bubbles into the concrete. These air bubbles help to improve the concrete’s resistance to freezing and thawing.


These are high-range water reducers that can significantly reduce the amount of water needed in a concrete mix. This can lead to very high-strength concrete with improved workability.

Workability admixtures

이 혼화제는 콘크리트의 작업성을 향상시킵니다., 더 쉽게 배치하고 마무리할 수 있습니다.. There are several types of workability admixtures, including air-entraining admixtures, water reducers, and retarders.

Corrosion inhibitors

These admixtures help to protect steel reinforcement in concrete from corrosion.

Concrete reinforcement corrosion
Concrete reinforcement corrosion

Shrinkage reducers

These admixtures reduce the amount of shrinkage that occurs in concrete as it cures. This can help to reduce cracking.


Fibers are small, discrete strands of reinforcing material that are added to concrete to improve its strength, 인성, and crack resistance. There are two main types of fibers: steel fibers and synthetic fibers.

Coloring admixtures

These admixtures add color to concrete. They can be used for aesthetic purposes or to improve visibility.

컬러 콘크리트
컬러 콘크리트

Coloring Admixtures and their Resultant Colors

Admixture Color obtained
Iron or Red oxide Red
Hydroxides of iron Yellow
Barium manganite and Ultramarine Blue
Chromium oxide and chromium hydroxide Green
Ferrous oxide Purple
Carbon black Black
Manganese black , Raw umber Brown

These are just a few of the many different types of concrete admixtures that are available. 사용되는 특정 유형의 혼화제는 콘크리트의 원하는 특성에 따라 달라집니다..

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