Дом / Случаи / Хэнань Улучшенные абразивы (HSA) Расширение экспорта кремнеземного дыма для удовлетворения растущего спроса в Бразилии

Хэнань Улучшенные абразивы (HSA) Расширение экспорта кремнеземного дыма для удовлетворения растущего спроса в Бразилии

Микрокремнезем HSA в Бразилии

Brazilian Silica Fume

Бразилия, самая большая страна Южной Америки, является домом для широкого спектра отраслей промышленности, начиная от сельского хозяйства, добыча, and manufacturing to technology, tourism, and finance. Brazil’s economy is one of the world’s largest and is fueled by a rich combination of natural resources and human capital.

Among Brazil’s many industries, the construction industry plays a significant role, with the sector expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. Как результат, the demand for high-quality construction materials, включая микрокремнезем, has also increased. За последние годы, the microsilica exported by HSA to Brazil has also increased year by year.

Brazilian companies that purchase silica fume typically use it as an additive in конкретный, цемент, and refractory materials to enhance the material’s strength, долговечность, and resistance to chemicals and weathering.

HSA Silica Fume for Sale in Brazil

HSA, a leading silica fume supplier, has been exporting its microsilica to Brazil through containers for many years. The company’s latest project involves expanding its silica fume exports to meet the growing demand for high-quality construction materials in Brazil.

HSA’s silica fume has several advantages, including its high pozzolanic activity, низкая проницаемость, and high compressive strength. These properties make it an ideal material for use in high-strength concrete, сборный железобетон, и другие строительные материалы.

Through years of hard work, HSA is expected to establish itself as a leading supplier of silica fume in Brazil and the wider South American region. The company’s commitment to quality, надежность, and customer satisfaction is expected to drive its growth in this new market.

Feel free to contact us for an inquiry.

Эл. адрес: sales@superior-abrasives.com

WhatsApp: +86-18638638803

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