บ้าน / บล็อก / ราคาต่อตันของผงไมโครซิลิก้าคือเท่าใด?



ในขณะที่เราทุกคนรู้ว่า, ราคาของผลิตภัณฑ์ถูกกำหนดโดยอุปสงค์และอุปทาน. The bottom line of the price of a product is the cost of production. If even the cost of production cannot be met, there is no need for production.

ราคาของ ผงไมโครซิลิกา (ซิลิกาฟูม) is determined by a variety of factors. Among them are recycling costs, packaging costs, แรงงาน, และ transportation costs. The price also varies considerably due to its different end use.

ตัวอย่างเช่น, it is used in high-end refractory industry, which requires high silica content and liquidity, so the price is higher, usually around $200/ตัน, and the price of a well-known company was nearly $800/ตัน;

While for the building materials industry, the content requirement is low, and the fully encrypted one can reach the target, so the price of silica fume is much lower. Of course this is only from the cost side, the market demand is another aspect, such as the recent supply significantly reduced, while the demand is relatively stable, the price went up a lot.

โดยรวม, the price of microsilica powder in the range of $200-800/ตัน.

As the saying goes, “you get what you pay for”, and this is true for any product. For the factory, only buy the right, not expensive, to buy the appropriate price to meet the performance requirements of the product, is the way. Some silica fume is priced very low, or even no money, but you may not dare to ask for such silica fume, because there are many impurities in it and the packaging is confusing, so it is impossible to use.

Henan Superior Abrasives นำเข้า & บริษัทส่งออก, จำกัด (HSA) has been providing customers with high quality silica fume for more than 20 years and has been well received by customers. We can provide you with free samples, and if you have any demand for micro silica fume, welcome to ติดต่อเรา.



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