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Danh sách phụ gia bê tông

Bê tông màu

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These admixtures reduce the amount of water needed in a concrete mix while maintaining workability. This can lead to several benefits, including increased strength, cải thiện độ bền, and reduced shrinkage. There are two main types of water reducers: high-range water reducers (HRWRs) and mid-range water reducers (MRWRs).

Set retarders

These admixtures slow down the setting time of concrete. This can be helpful in hot weather or when long working times are required.

Accelerating Admixtures

These admixtures speed up the setting time of concrete. This can be helpful in cold weather or when early strength is required.

These accelerators also enhance the early strength of concrete by increasing the rate of hydration. Earlier concrete hardening proves beneficial in several situations, such as early formwork removal, reduced curing period, emergency repairs, and constructions in low-temperature regions. Some common accelerating admixtures include triethanolamine, calcium formate, khói silica, calcium chloride, and finely divided khói silica. Among these, calcium chloride is the cheaper and more commonly used accelerating admixture.

94% Khói silica đậm đặc
Accelerating Admixtures – Silica Fume

Air entrainers

These admixtures introduce tiny air bubbles into the concrete. These air bubbles help to improve the concrete’s resistance to freezing and thawing.

Chất siêu dẻo

These are high-range water reducers that can significantly reduce the amount of water needed in a concrete mix. This can lead to very high-strength concrete with improved workability.

Workability admixtures

Những phụ gia này cải thiện tính công tác của bê tông, làm cho nó dễ dàng hơn để đặt và hoàn thành. There are several types of workability admixtures, including air-entraining admixtures, water reducers, and retarders.

Corrosion inhibitors

These admixtures help to protect steel reinforcement in concrete from corrosion.

Concrete reinforcement corrosion
Concrete reinforcement corrosion

Shrinkage reducers

These admixtures reduce the amount of shrinkage that occurs in concrete as it cures. This can help to reduce cracking.


Fibers are small, discrete strands of reinforcing material that are added to concrete to improve its strength, sự dẻo dai, and crack resistance. There are two main types of fibers: steel fibers và sợi tổng hợp.

Phụ gia tạo màu

Những phụ gia này tạo màu cho bê tông. Chúng có thể được sử dụng cho mục đích thẩm mỹ hoặc để cải thiện khả năng hiển thị.

Bê tông màu
Bê tông màu

Phụ gia tạo màu và màu sắc tạo ra của chúng

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Oxit sắt Màu tím
Muội than Đen
Mangan đen , Màu nâu đen thô Màu nâu

Đây chỉ là một vài trong số rất nhiều loại phụ gia bê tông khác nhau hiện có. Loại phụ gia cụ thể được sử dụng sẽ phụ thuộc vào đặc tính mong muốn của bê tông.

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