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Vật liệu chịu lửa Micro Silica đặc biệt

Vật liệu chịu lửa Micro Silica đặc biệt

Refractory materials can be used in high-temperature environments are collectively known as refractory materials, refractory materials are widely used in metallurgy, công nghiệp hóa chất, machinery manufacturing and other industrial fields, refractory materials play a very important role in the development of high-temperature industrial production, and in the production of refractory materials often need to use an additive, which is micro silica. Here we will learn more about the refractory material micro silica.

The current state of development of refractory materials

Economic globalization, world trade interconnection, multinational companies in order to maintain a huge production capacity, seeking long-term development, it is necessary to constantly obtain the support of raw materials as well as to develop the market, in the refractory industry, the reason why these multinational companies one after another into the country is because of China’s rich refractory raw materials, large market capacity, low labor costs, good investment environment. Specific analysis is as follows, China is the world’s largest producer of refractory raw materials, China’s magnesite and crystalline graphite reserves in various countries in the world ranked first. For many years, the export volume of high alumina bauxite in China also ranks among the top in the world. Vì vậy, the production of refractory materials in China is conducive to solving the problem of raw materials locally. China is the world’s leading producer of steel and building materials. So the production of refractories in China is beneficial to solve the problem of product sales locally.
China’s labor costs are low, and refractories are labor-intensive products. So the production of refractories in our country is also conducive to reducing production costs and improving the competitiveness of products.

All these circumstances determine the refractory industry in China has a good development status and market prospects. The refractory materials often need to be mixed with micro silica, which also promotes the development of micro silica industry from the other side. Vì vậy, the analysis of the current market situation of the refractory industry is very important for the participants of the micro silica industry.

Hiện tại, microsilica powder has an extremely important role in refractory materials, especially in refractory castables. Refractory castables are granular and powdered materials made of refractory materials. It is an indefinite refractory material that is molded by pouring with a certain amount of binding agent and water, and has high fluidity. As early as in the 1980s, refractory materials began to apply micro silica as an additive to the indefinite refractory materials. The low water strength and high densification of microsilica powder in unshaped castables are not easily replaced by other silica powders.

So far, refractory materials are not only shaped refractory materials, many firing products are also widely used micro silica to improve their performance, micro silica in the electrofusion and sintered refractories in a large number of applications, adding micro silica refractories in steel, foundry, xi măng, gốm sứ, glass and other industries in a large number of applications.

The role of micro silica in refractory materials

The specific application of micro silica in refractory materials is used in high-performance refractory castables and prefabricated parts, large iron ditch and ladle material, gạch thoáng khí, coating materials, self-flowing refractory castables and dry and wet injection, oxide bonded silicon carbide products, corundum mullite push plate, high-temperature wear-resistant materials and products, corundum và các sản phẩm gốm sứ, vân vân.. The specific role is shown as follows.

  1. Traditional refractory materials have numerous pores, micro silica filled in the pores, improve the bulk density and reduce the porosity, strength can be significantly enhanced.
  2. Micro silica has strong activity, in water can form colloidal particles, adding the right amount of dispersant, can enhance the fluidity, do đó cải thiện hiệu suất đúc.
  3. Micro silica is easy to form -Si-OH group in water, with strong hydrophilicity and activity, có thể tăng cường sự gắn kết của vật liệu chịu lửa, đồng thời có sự cải thiện lớn hơn về hiệu suất nhiệt độ cao, and can extend the service life of refractory products.
  4. Improve the fluidity of cast refractory, reduce the water consumption, make it easy to shape, and greatly improve the production efficiency.
  5. Due to the gap-filling effect of its ultra-microstructure, the denseness and strength of the refractory material obtains a substantial increase.
  6. Micro silica has high activity, in the presence of Al2O3 composition, nó dễ dàng hơn để tạo pha mullite, so that the high temperature strength of refractory materials, thermal shock significantly improved.

The application of micro silica in refractory materials

Micro silica powder is widely used in the refractory industry. Practical applications in the following areas: to replace pure aluminum oxide mud as refractory materials. As an additive to the production of irregular and shaped refractory products, its strength, high temperature performance greatly improved; for the steel barrel as a whole casting bonding accelerator; other refractory products adhesion agent, bonding agent, accelerator, additive.

Micro Silica Manufacturer

As a professional manufacturer of micro silica powder, Henan Superior Abrasives always aims to provide customers with high quality micro silica powder to meet the needs of different applications, and has a professional consulting team to provide technical support to customers.

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