Maison / Cas / Commande d'essai réussie: Approvisionnement 250 Des tonnes de 92 Microsilica to Indian Construction Chemicals Manufacturer

Commande d'essai réussie: Approvisionnement 250 Des tonnes de 92 Microsilica to Indian Construction Chemicals Manufacturer

Approvisionnement 250 Des tonnes de 92 Microsilica to Indian

Background and Initial Inquiry

In August 2024, Henan Superior Abrasives received an inquiry from Gaurav, representing a prominent construction chemicals manufacturing company based in Mumbai, Inde. The company sought to import microsilica (fumée de silice) with a silicon dioxide (SiO2) content of 94% for use in their products.

Gaurav’s inquiry included the following details:

  • Product: Microsilice (Fumée de silice)
  • Silicon Dioxide Content: 94% ou plus
  • Quantité: 250 metric tons per month
  • Emballage: 25 kg per pack
  • Le port de destination: Mumbai, Inde
  • Preferred Product Form: Densifié
  • Quality Check Requirements: Independent third-party inspection at both the Chinese loading port and Mumbai port to ensure product quality. If found unsatisfactory, the material would be returned at the supplier’s expense.

Abrasifs supérieurs du Henan’ Response

Upon receiving the inquiry, the customer manager at Henan Superior Abrasives promptly responded to Gaurav with a detailed quotation. The response focused on providing clear and transparent information, addressing all the key points mentioned in the customer’s request.

The response included the following details:

  1. Teneur en SiO2: Guaranteed to exceed 94%.
  2. Product Form: Fumée de silice densifiée, meeting the customer’s requirement.
  3. Pricing: $xxx per metric ton, delivered to Mumbai Port (CIF – Cost, Insurance, and Freight).
  4. Emballage: 25 kg plastic woven bags, palletized for easier transportation and handling.
  5. Shipping Details: Each 40-foot high cube (QG) container could load up to 28 metric tons.
  6. Quotation Validity: The price quoted was valid for 15 journées.
  7. Payment Terms: 100% prepayment was required before dispatch.
  8. Sample Offer: A free 2 kg sample of silica fume was offered.

The customer manager made sure to provide all relevant details to ensure the Indian customer had a full understanding of the offer. In addition to the core information, Henan Superior Abrasives emphasized its commitment to quality assurance and customer satisfaction.

Addressing the Customer’s Concerns

Gaurav expressed strong concern about product quality. He insisted that the microsilica meet all required parameters, with inspections by an independent agency both at the Chinese loading port and upon arrival at Mumbai port. If the material failed to meet the standards set, Gaurav made it clear that it would be returned at the supplier’s expense.

Henan Superior Abrasives demonstrated its confidence in the quality of its product by accepting these terms. The company had already established rigorous internal quality control procedures that ensured the consistent performance of its microsilica products. After that we arranged the delivery of samples.

Positive Sample Feedback and Trial Order

After receiving the 2 kg sample of densified microsilica from Henan Superior Abrasives, Gaurav’s company conducted a thorough evaluation. The sample was found to fully meet their specifications and quality standards, including the required SiO2 content of 94%. The product’s performance in preliminary tests demonstrated its compatibility with their construction chemicals, fulfilling their technical needs in terms of strength, durabilité, et maniabilité.

Impressed with the quality and reliability of the product, Gaurav’s company decided to move forward with a trial order. They placed an initial order of 250 metric tons of the 94% microsilica powder for the first month. This order represents a critical first step in establishing a long-term partnership between Henan Superior Abrasives and the Indian construction chemicals manufacturer.

Product Specifications and Benefits of Microsilica

Microsilice, également connu sous le nom de fumée de silice, is a byproduct of silicon metal and ferrosilicon alloy production. The high SiO2 content in microsilica makes it a valuable addition to various construction materials, particularly in concrete production. When used as a pozzolanic material in concrete, microsilica can improve the strength, durabilité, et résistance aux attaques chimiques.

Abrasifs supérieurs du Henan’ fumée de silice densifiée, with a SiO2 content of 94%, is designed specifically for construction applications. Densification of the material allows for easier handling, transport, and mixing with other ingredients in concrete. The benefits of using this product include:

  • Force accrue: The fine particles of microsilica fill the voids between cement particles, creating a denser and stronger concrete matrix.
  • Durabilité améliorée: Microsilica enhances the resistance of concrete to harsh environments, including exposure to chemicals, l'eau, et cycles de gel-dégel.
  • Perméabilité réduite: By filling in the spaces between larger cement particles, microsilica reduces the permeability of concrete, helping to protect reinforcing steel from corrosion.
  • Enhanced Workability: The densified form of silica fume ensures better dispersion and mixing, making it easier to incorporate into concrete formulations.

Long-Term Collaboration Potential

The Indian customer required a consistent monthly supply of 250 metric tons of densified microsilica. This volume represents a significant long-term partnership opportunity for Henan Superior Abrasives. By meeting the customer’s requirements for product quality, emballage, and shipping logistics, Henan Superior Abrasives aimed to build a lasting relationship with this construction chemicals manufacturer.

In addition to the initial order, Gaurav’s company has the potential to expand its purchases as the demand for high-quality microsilica grows within India’s booming construction industry. Microsilica’s unique properties are in high demand as infrastructure development, urbanization, et les projets à grande échelle entraînent le besoin de matériaux de construction avancés.


Cette affaire met en lumière Abrasifs supérieurs du Henan‘ capacité à répondre aux besoins spécifiques des clients internationaux du secteur de la construction. En fournissant de la microsilice de haute qualité avec une teneur garantie en SiO2 de 94%, répondant à des normes strictes de contrôle de qualité, et offrant des prix compétitifs, l'entreprise a démontré son engagement envers la satisfaction du client.

Si vous avez également besoin de fumée de silice de haute qualité, N'hésitez pas à nous contacter!

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