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Silica Fume for Sale in Thailand

Silica Fume for Sale in Thailand

Project Background

Récemment, Henan Superior Abrasives received an inquiry from Mr. Pathit Phya, a Thai customer, who urgently needs high-quality silica fume to be used in concrete mortar lining to improve the performance of concrete. The customer’s requirement for the SiO2 content of silica fume is very high, and it should be more than 96% of the ASTM C 1240-20 standard.

Analysis of customer’s demand

Through in-depth communication with the customer, we understand that the customer has very strict requirements for the quality of silica fume, and is also very sensitive to the price. In response to the customer’s needs, we recommend the following products:

  • Fumée de silice haute densité (Fumée de silice densifiée): G94D, G96D and other models, with high purity, haute activité, high fineness and other characteristics, can significantly improve the strength, durabilité et imperméabilité du béton.
  • Fumée de silice non densifiée: G96U, etc. The price is relatively low while ensuring high quality, which is suitable for projects with high economic requirements.
  • Microsilice blanche (Zirconium silica fume): ZSF96 and other models, with excellent whiteness and purity, widely used in projects with high demand for appearance.


After a comprehensive evaluation, we recommended G96D High Density Micro Silica Fume to our client. This product has the following advantages:

High purity SiO2 content: far exceeding the customer’s requirement of 96%, it can maximize the enhancement effect of silica fume.
High fineness: fine particles, grande surface spécifique, full hydration reaction with cement, significantly improving the early and late strength of concrete.
Haute activité: il peut remplir efficacement les pores du béton, améliorer la compacité du béton, et améliore son imperméabilité, résistance au gel, résistance à l'abrasion et durabilité.

Assurance qualité

Nous contrôlons strictement la qualité de nos produits, adhérer aux normes de certification du système qualité ISO9001. Nous effectuerons régulièrement des inspections par échantillonnage sur la poudre de microsilice fournie à la Thaïlande pour garantir que la qualité est qualifiée..

Commentaires des clients

Après la visite du site et les tests du produit, le client a hautement reconnu nos produits et services, G96D high density silica fume successfully meets the customer’s demand for high-quality microsilica powder, and provides a strong guarantee for their projects.

Project Summary

Grâce à cette coopération, Abrasifs supérieurs du Henan once again demonstrated to the market our strong product development and production capacity, as well as our professionalism in providing customized solutions for customers. We will continue to uphold the “quality first, customer first” business philosophy, to provide customers around the world with high-quality silica fume products and services.

If you also need high-quality silica fume, N'hésitez pas à nous contacter!

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