/ ブログ / コンクリート中のシリカフュームの使用に関するガイド



シリカフューム, also known as microsilica or 濃縮シリカフューム, is a byproduct of the silicon and ferrosilicon alloy production process. It is a highly reactive pozzolan and a finely divided material, with particles approximately 100 セメント粒子よりも小さい. The unique properties of silica fume make it an invaluable addition to concrete mixtures, enhancing various performance aspects.



The incorporation of silica fume in concrete significantly increases its compressive, 引張, and flexural strengths. This enhancement is attributed to the pozzolanic reaction between silica fume and calcium hydroxide, which results in the formation of additional calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) – the primary strength-producing component in concrete.


Silica fume increases concrete’s resistance to chemical attacks, 摩耗, 凍結融解サイクル. This improvement in durability is due to the densification of the microstructure and reduced permeability resulting from the addition of silica fume.


Silica fume-filled concrete exhibits a decrease in permeability, protecting it against aggressive substances like chloride ions, which can lead to reinforcement corrosion.


Though the addition of silica fume may initially reduce the workability of concrete, the use of appropriate admixtures and proper mix design can mitigate this effect and yield a highly workable and pumpable mixture.

Guidelines for Using Silica Fume in Concrete


The recommended dosage of silica fume ranges between 5% と 15% セメント系材料の重量による. 具体的な投与量は、コンクリートの望ましい性能特性に基づいて決定する必要があります。.


シリカフュームを配合する場合, コンクリート配合設計の調整が必要になる場合があります. 作業性を維持するために、流動化剤またはその他の混和剤の使用が必要になる場合があります.


コンクリート混合物全体にシリカフュームを均一に分散させるため, ミキサーに別々に追加するか、他のコンポーネントを追加する前にセメントとブレンドする必要があります.

The Dos and Don’ts of Mixing

  • Do pre-wet the silica fume to avoid clumping and ensure even distribution.
  • Don’t add silica fume to dry concrete mixtures.
  • Do use a high-range water reducer to maintain workability.


As silica fume tends to increase the early-age strength development of concrete, proper curing is crucial. Ensure that the concrete is adequately moistened and protected from extreme temperature variations during the curing process.

Common Applications of Silica Fume in Concrete


For structures requiring high-strength concrete, 高層ビルなど, ブリッジ, and tunnels, silica fume is an essential component.


Due to its low permeability and increased resistance to chloride ion penetration, silica fume is ideal for concrete used in marine structures like piers, 桟橋, およびオフショアプラットフォーム.

Industrial Floors

Silica fume’s ability to improve abrasion resistance makes it a suitable choice for industrial floors subjected to heavy traffic and wear.


In concrete repair and restoration projects, silica fume can enhance the bond strength between new and old concrete, improving the overall performance and longevity of the repaired structure.


The addition of silica fume to shotcrete improves its adhesion, cohesion, and pumpability, making it an excellent choice for tunnel linings, slope stabilization, and other applications requiring sprayed concrete.

Pre-stressed Concrete

Silica fume enhances the durability and strength of pre-stressed concrete elements, making them more resistant to the effects of long-term loading and environmental conditions.

Precautions and Safety Considerations

When working with silica fume, it is essential to adhere to specific safety guidelines:

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Always wear appropriate PPE, including gloves, safety goggles, and a dust mask, to prevent contact with silica fume.

Handling: Handle silica fume carefully, and avoid creating dust clouds during the transfer and mixing process.

Storage: Store silica fume in sealed, dry containers or silos to prevent contamination and moisture absorption.

Disposal: Dispose of silica fume waste according to local regulations and guidelines, ensuring that it does not contaminate the environment.


The Guide for the Use of Silica Fume in Concrete has shown us that this incredible material can revolutionize the way we approach concrete construction. By incorporating silica fume into our projects, we can achieve stronger, more durable, and longer-lasting structures that stand the test of time.

覚えて, the key to success with silica fume in concrete lies in understanding its properties, following best practices, and adhering to recommended dosages. With the knowledge gained from our Guide for the Use of Silica Fume in Concrete, you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your construction projects and reaping the benefits of this remarkable material.


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