シリカフュームの主成分はシリカです, その大部分は非晶質シリカです, 非常に優れた火山灰材料です. The tiny particles of silica fume are highly dispersed and can be fully filled between the cement particles to improve the denseness of the paste after hardening. そう, do you know what are the applications and fields of silica fume? 今日 HSA will give you a introduction.
Construction work
In this field, silica fume is mainly used to add to concrete. In addition to increasing its strength and enhancing its durability, the concrete prepared with silica fume also has excellent structural properties, can significantly reduce engineering maintenance costs and support environmental sustainability.
The addition of silica fume in the configuration of 高性能コンクリート can improve the mechanical properties of concrete to achieve the design strength requirements, compressive strength can generally reach more than 70Mpa, mainly used in urban high-rise structure of the load-bearing beam, the application of construction projects are mostly concentrated in real estate projects or office buildings.
Activated powder concrete
Active powder concrete is a new type of super-hard, low brittleness and excellent durability concrete successfully researched after the high-performance concrete. 現在のところ, it is mainly used in small prefabricated components of high-speed railway projects in China, and its compressive strength can reach about 120Mpa. The incorporation of silica fume can reduce the permeability of active powder concrete and increase the corrosion resistance.
Abrasion-resistant concrete
耐衝撃性と耐摩耗性のコンクリートは、水力発電所プロジェクトの 2 つの部分で主に使用されています。, 散逸プールと洪水洞窟, これら 2 つの部分の特殊な特性により、, シリカフュームの添加が不可欠であるため. シリカフュームをコンクリートに添加した後, コンクリートの耐摩耗性と耐衝撃性を向上させることができます, 耐衝撃性、耐摩耗性は一般コンクリートの約2倍です。, and the anti-abrasion ability of 48m/s flow speed level is increased by more than 3 時間.
Tunnel shotcrete
Silica fume added in the spray mix mortar, can reduce the rate of rebound of spraying, increase the denseness, reduce the hydration temperature rise of bulk concrete, reduce the rebound loss of 吹き付けコンクリート, increase the cohesion, reduce the occurrence of alkali aggregate reaction.
Silica Fume has high refractoriness, high strength and denseness, 等. Mixing silica fume into high performance low cement 難治性の キャスタブルおよびプレハブ部品は、耐用年数を通常のキャスタブルの 3 倍に延ばすことができます。, 耐火性が約100℃上昇, キャスタブル耐火物の密度を大幅に向上させることができます。. Al2O3と共存する場合, ムライト相を生成しやすい, それが高温強度を生みます, 熱振動耐性の向上, 高温強度と熱振動耐性が大幅に向上. このため, シリカフュームはコークス炉で一般的に使用されています, 大鉄溝と柄杓の材料, 通気性のあるレンガ, non-ferrous metals, ガラス, セラミックおよび発電産業.
極薄真空断熱断熱板, その主原料はシリカフュームです, 優れた断熱性と省エネ効果が特徴, 熱伝導率が低い, 効果は以上です 6-10 他の断熱材の倍. と 1-2 厚さはセンチメートルに達することができます 75% 省エネ要件の, 他の断熱材と同等の10cm以上の省エネ効果. 家の共用部分を減らして増やすことができます 2-6% 住宅料金の. Silica fume can also be used for wall insulation with polymer mortar, 断熱モルタル, インターフェイスエージェント, セメントベースのポリマー防水材, 軽量骨材断熱材と省エネコンクリートおよび製品, internal and external wall construction with putty powder processing, 等.
Other applications
Silica fume can be used as the raw material of silicate brick, and can also produce water glass. It can be used as a reinforcing material for organic compounds. Because its composition is similar to that of fumed silica, it can be used as a filling and reinforcing material in rubber, 樹脂, ペイント, 不飽和ポリエステルおよびその他のポリマー材料. Silica fume is also often used as an anti-caking agent in the fertilizer industry.
The above is the specific introduction of the application scope and field of silica fume, hope it can help you to have more understanding of silica fume. シリカフュームはコンクリートの耐久性を向上させる効果があり、, 充填効果と可塑化効果, 多くの産業や分野で広く使用されています.