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RPC 材料におけるシリカフュームの応用

シリカフューム RPC 青海チベット鉄道橋

コンクリート, コンクリートと略される, 建設で使用される一般的な材料であり、土木工学で広く使用されています. 力, 耐久性, 等. are the indexes to measure the performance of concrete, and the admixture of microsilica is very good to improve the performance of concrete, and it is even widely used in the new RPC construction materials.

Silica Fume and RPC materials

マイクロシリカ, シリカフュームとも呼ばれます, または濃縮シリカフューム, is a dust recovered from the flue gas of alloy smelting such as silicon metal or ferrosilicon. Since silica in microsilica powder is an amorphous substance with high activity, fine particles and large specific surface area, it has excellent physical and chemical properties, and its widely used in important fields such as concrete, 耐火物, 壁材, セメント製品, モルタル, flooring and chemical industry used in special projects.

RPC is a high technology concrete material that combines the research ideas of DSP material and fiber reinforced material, with ultra-high strength, high toughness, high durability and high compactness. The raw material composition of this material is cement, マイクロシリカパウダー.

HPC is the abbreviation of ultra-high performance concrete. Ultra-high performance concrete contains two aspects ‘ultra-high’, つまり. ultra-high durability and ultra-high mechanical properties. Its appearance to achieve a great leap in the performance of engineering materials. But the emergence of RPC materials greatly surpasses the performance advantages of HPC.


The durability of RPC materials and HPC are compared and analyzed through the chloride ion penetration test, freeze-thaw test and carbonization test, and the durability mechanism is analyzed as follows in combination with microscopic tests.

1.Permeation resistance

The results of chloride ion diffusion coefficient and permeability classification and evaluation of RPC and HPC measured by NEL method show that the permeability grade of RPC material reaches V according to the standard CCES01:2004, and the evaluation result of permeability permeability isvery low”, あれは, the permeability resistance of RPC is very high, HPCの透過性グレードはIIIに達します. HPCの透過性グレードはIIIに達します, 透気浸透性能の評価結果は、 “中くらい”. これは、RPC の透過抵抗が HPC 材料の透過抵抗よりもはるかに高いことを示しています。.


RPC には、その後の質量損失はありません 300 凍結と解凍のサイクル, その動的モード損失は 0.8%, その耐久性指数はほぼ 100%. HPC の質量損失は 5% 後 250 凍結と解凍のサイクル, そしてその動的モード損失は 36.4%, その耐久性指数は 47.8%. This shows that the RPC material has excellent anti-freezing performance and the resistance to freeze-thaw cycles is much higher than the HPC material mixed with シリカフューム. It meets the requirements of the standard CECS01:2004 on the frost resistance of concrete materials working in harsh environments.

3.Permeability resistance

RPC material has excellent resistance to permeability, the diffusion coefficient of chloride ion is only 22.17×10 m2/s, and the permeability grade reaches V level. 高密度粒子グレーディング設計と高温アクティブ励起により、マトリックス内の細孔構造と遷移ゾーンの界面密度が大幅に改善されます, 透過性に対する耐性を効果的に改善する.


RPCは凍結融解損傷に対する優れた耐性を持っています, 凍結融解サイクルの耐久性指数はほぼ 100%, 寒冷地での塩害や化学腐食、凍結融解の環境下で働く構造物に適しています。. the high compactness of RPC material and the reinforcing and toughening effect of steel fiber effectively improve the resistance to freezing. the high compactness of RPC material and the uniform distribution of non-crystalline Ca(おー) generated under the condition of high temperature and hot and humid maintenance in the C-S-H gel, which effectively improves the carbonation resistance of concrete.

Application of silica fume RPC

  1. RPC concrete in railroad bridges, nuclear power plant projects can be used, such as China’s Qinghai-Tibet Railway bridge, France’s Cattenom nuclear power plant, the use of RPC concrete.
  2. RPC concrete manufactured cable channel cover and other components not only has high strength, high durability, and light weight, easy construction and installation, with easy to shape, beautiful appearance, long-term benefits and other characteristics.
  3. RPC is used in a large number of sidewalk covers. 近年では, RPC covers have entered the common design drawings of the Ministry of Railways. 現在, 地方自治体の道路に RPC プレハブ カバーが適用されました, 北京-上海高速, ハルビン-大連旅客専用線, 寧上海都市間鉄道およびその他のプロジェクト.


従来の建材と比べて, 新しい建築材料の適用はそれをより強くします, ライター, 省エネ, より強力で、わが国の開発要件に沿ったものにする. 関連するパフォーマンス調査に関して, new building materials have been greatly improved in terms of mechanical properties, durability and corrosion resistance. In the production process, the production raw materials are fully utilized, and new technology and new techniques are adopted to improve the performance of the materials.

Henan Superior Abrasivesは、さまざまな用途向けの高品質のマイクロシリカの製造を専門としています. RPC用のシリカフュームを供給します, 耐火物, 建設およびその他の材料, 新旧のお客様からのご相談、ご来店をお待ちしております. 喜んでお手伝いさせていただきます.


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