主页 / 博客 / 微硅粉浆料应用指南



硅粉浆料是超细硅粉和水的液体混合物. Silica fume is a highly active volcanic ash material with extremely fine particle size and unique physicochemical properties. Silica fume slurry has a wide range of applications in construction, 具体的, metallurgy, ceramics and other industries.


  • Improve the performance of concrete: 微硅粉 slurry can significantly improve the strength, durability and impermeability of concrete. It can also improve the fluidity and construction performance of concrete.
  • Production of high-performance ceramics: 硅粉浆料是生产高性能陶瓷的重要原料. 可以提高强度, 陶瓷的硬度和耐磨性.
  • 用于冶金行业: 硅粉浆料可用于钢包浇注, 铸造和熔剂制造.


  • 高活性: 硅粉浆料中的硅粉具有高活性, 能与水泥中的水化产物反应生成大量的钙硅凝胶. 这种凝胶可以填充混凝土中的孔隙,提高混凝土的密实度和强度.
  • 高分散性: 硅粉膏中的二氧化硅颗粒非常细小,通过分散剂可以均匀地分散在水中. 这使得硅粉浆料具有良好的流动性和施工性能.
  • 耐久性好: 硅粉膏可以提高混凝土的耐久性,抵抗酸碱腐蚀的侵蚀作用, 冻融循环和碳酸化.


  • 建造: Silica fume paste is widely used in high performance concrete, self-leveling concrete, pumping concrete and wear-resistant concrete.
  • 具体的: Silica fume paste can be used to produce high strength concrete, high performance concrete and durable concrete.
    • 高性能混凝土: Silica fume pastes improve the strength, durability and impermeability of concrete.
    • Self-leveling concrete: Silica fume slurry can improve the fluidity and workability of concrete.
    • Wear-resistant concrete: Silica fume slurry can improve the abrasion and impact resistance of concrete.
    • 喷射混凝土: 硅粉浆料可提高喷射混凝土的粘结性和耐久性
  • 冶金: 硅粉浆料可用于钢包铸造领域, 铸造和熔剂制造.
  • 陶瓷: 硅粉浆料是生产高性能陶瓷的重要原料.



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