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85% 致密硅粉在南非出售

85% 致密硅粉


“X” 南非领先的建筑材料制造商, 致力于提供高品质, 当地住宅行业的环保建筑材料. 最近几年, 随着南非住房需求的不断增长, “X” 公司面临提高产品质量和降低生产成本的双重挑战.


为了满足日益严格的施工标准和客户需求, “X” 公司一直在寻找高性能微硅粉, 为了增强实力, 混凝土砌块的耐久性和可施工性. 经过彻底调查后, 公司 “X” finally chose 河南优之源’ 85% 致密硅粉.


我们的 85% Densified Silica Fume has the following features and advantages:

  • 高纯度: SiO2 content of more than 85% and low impurity content ensure stable and reliable performance of concrete.
  • Ultra-fine particles: with an average particle size of less than 0.2μm and a large specific surface area, it can significantly improve the fluidity and ease of concrete.
  • 高活性: It has strong volcanic ash activity, which can react with the hydration products in cement to generate a large number of dense gels, 显着提高混凝土的强度和耐久性.
  • 节约成本: 可有效减少混凝土用水量和水泥用量, 从而降低生产成本.

85% Densified Silica Fume Concrete


迈克尔·拉塞尔, 公司采购经理 “X”, 说: “我们非常满意 85% 致密硅粉 supplied by your company. 它不仅显着提高了混凝土砌块的强度和耐久性, 而且还大大提高了生产效率,降低了生产成本. We will continue to purchase your company’s products and recommend them to other construction material manufacturers.

Follow-up Orders

After successfully testing the performance of 85% 致密硅粉, 公司 “X” ordered 2,000 tons of the product from us and plans to use it in the construction of large-scale housing projects.


我们的 85% 致密化 微硅粉 has won the unanimous approval of South African customers due to its excellent performance and good cost performance. 我们相信,随着南非房地产市场的快速发展, 我们的产品将为当地建筑行业做出更大的贡献.


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