主页 / 博客 / 印度耐火材料用微硅粉



Silica Fume in India

最近几年, with the rapid development of India’s domestic refractory industry, 对耐火外加剂的需求,例如 未致密硅粉 一直在增加. 印度客户对微硅粉质量要求高 , 期望产品不仅含量高而且性能稳定, 而且包装和物流要符合当地的施工环境和运输条件.

我公司始终致力于为印度等南亚市场的客户提供高品质的非致密硅微粉产品和贴心的服务, which are favored by local customers.

Customer’s Requirement

Indian customers need to purchase 1000 tons of microsilica , used in refractory material industry, the powder is required to be packed in 25kg/bag or 50kg/bag with clear marking. The customer wants the density of microsilica to be 96% 和未致密的.

Our solution

As a professional manufacturer of microsilica , HSA responded quickly to the customer’s demand and provided the following solutions for the customer:

  • Provide 96% undensified silica fume products to meet the customer’s requirements for density and undensified state.
  • Provide two kinds of packaging specifications, 25kg/bag and 50kg/bag, to meet customerspackaging needs.
  • Provide clear marking for easy identification and use by customers.
  • Provide competitive price and perfect after-sales service.

Customer Testimonials

Customers are very satisfied with our products and services and give us high evaluation. The customer said:

“我们对产品的卓越品质非常满意, HSA服务周到、价格合理 , 我们一定会再次订购他们的产品。”

高铁’ 未致密微硅粉生产线

为了满足不同的客户’ 需要, 我们推出了丰富的微硅粉产品线.

  • 未致密通用硅粉系列 (G85U, G92U, G94U, G96U)
  • 适用于普通混凝土外加剂, 最高致密硅粉质量可达到 96%.
  • 白硅粉系列 (锆硅粉ZSF94, ZSF95, ZSF96)




作为硅质超细粉矿物掺合料, 无定形微硅粉具有以下独特优点.


高温耐火材料中添加硅粉可提高抗热震性能, 材料的化学稳定性和耐腐蚀性. 适用于工业窑炉, 金属冶炼等行业.


硅粉的添加不仅可以大大提高混凝土的早期和后期强度, 还能增强抗渗性, 耐磨性和耐冻融循环性, 从而延长使用寿命.

综上所述, HSA 致力于提供高品质, cost-effective silica fume products and services to customers in India and around the world under the philosophy of “Quality First, Service Foremost”. Welcome to contact us for more details!


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