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Sika 是一家瑞士跨国特种化学品公司,开发和生产粘合系统和产品, 密封, 减震, 强化, and protecting in the construction and industrial sectors. 成立于 1910, Sika has a global presence with operations in over 100 countries and employs more than 25,000 people worldwide.

Sika’s products and solutions are used in a wide range of applications, including construction, automotive, 海洋, and industrial manufacturing. The company’s product portfolio includes adhesives, 密封剂, 涂料, concrete admixtures, 灌浆, 迫击炮, 和更多.

Sika Silica Fume 是一种辅助胶凝材料,来源于硅金属或硅铁合金生产的副产品. 这是一个超细, 高性能火山灰粉, 添加到混凝土中时, 可以显着增强其性能.


西卡微硅粉的特点是比表面积高, 使其与氢氧化钙反应, 水泥水化的副产品, 形成额外的硅酸钙水合物 (CSH). 这个反应, 称为火山灰活动, 导致更密集, 更强, 和更耐用的混凝土基体.


西卡微硅粉广泛应用于建筑领域, 包括桥梁, 水坝, 停车结构, 工业地板, 和海洋结构. 其高性能特性使其成为需要增强强度的项目的理想选择, 耐用性, 和对恶劣环境的抵抗力.



由火山灰反应引起的 CSH 形成增加有助于提高压缩性, 拉伸, 和混凝土的抗折强度.


Sika Silica Fume 通过降低其渗透性来提高混凝土的耐久性, 这反过来又最大限度地减少了侵蚀剂(如氯化物和硫酸盐)的进入.


Sika Silica Fume 的超细颗粒有助于填充混凝土基体中的空隙, 有效降低渗透性,增强抗渗水性.


Sika Silica Fume’s ability to reduce permeability also means that concrete is better equipped to resist chemical attacks, which can lead to a longer service life in harsh environments.

Sika Silica Fume in Construction

Bridge Decks and Girders

Sika Silica Fume 提供的增强强度和耐用性使其成为桥面板和大梁的理想选择, 长期性能和对恶劣条件的抵抗力至关重要.


停车结构需要耐用且耐腐蚀的混凝土解决方案, Sika Silica Fume 在这两个方面都表现出色, 增加这些结构的使用寿命并降低维护成本.


适用于承受重载和潜在化学品暴露的工业地板, Sika Silica Fume provides the strength, 耐用性, and resistance needed for a long-lasting and reliable surface.


Marine structures are constantly exposed to aggressive environments, including saltwater, 冻融循环, 和化学攻击. Sika Silica Fume’s ability to reduce permeability and enhance resistance makes it an ideal choice for these demanding applications.

Pre-cast Concrete

Sika Silica Fume is often used in the production of pre-cast concrete elements, where its high-performance properties contribute to improved strength and durability, making it an attractive choice for manufacturers and builders alike.

How to Use Sika Silica Fume

To ensure the best results when using Sika Silica Fume, it’s essential to follow the recommended dosage and mixing procedures:

Dosage Recommendations

Sika Silica Fume is typically used at a dosage of 5-15% 按水泥重量. The specific dosage will depend on the desired performance characteristics and project requirements.


Sika Silica Fume should be added to the concrete mix during the batching process, preferably before the addition of water. This ensures a thorough and uniform dispersion throughout the mix, optimizing the performance benefits.


  1. 什么是西卡微硅粉?

西卡微硅粉是一种超细, 源自硅金属或硅铁合金生产副产品的高性能火山灰粉末, 添加到混凝土中时, 显着增强其性能.

  1. 西卡微硅粉是如何提高混凝土性能的?

西卡微硅粉与氢氧化钙反应, 水泥水化的副产品, 形成额外的硅酸钙水合物 (CSH). This reaction results in a denser, 更强, 和更耐用的混凝土基体.

  1. What are the main benefits of using Sika Silica Fume in concrete?

The main benefits include improved strength, enhanced durability, 渗透性降低, and increased resistance to chemical attack.

  1. What are some typical applications for Sika Silica Fume in construction?

Sika Silica Fume is used in various construction applications, such as bridge decks and girders, 停车结构, 工业地板, 海洋结构, and precast concrete.

  1. How should Sika Silica Fume be added to the concrete mix?

Sika Silica Fume should be added to the concrete mix during the batching process, preferably before the addition of water, to ensure a thorough and uniform dispersion throughout the mix. 典型剂量范围为 5-15% 按水泥重量, 取决于所需的性能特征和项目要求.


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