微硅粉, 也称为微硅粉, 是生产金属硅或硅铁合金的副产品. 这是硅粉生产的一般过程:
金属硅和合金在电炉中生产. 原材料为石英, 煤炭, 和木片. 熔炉运行产生的烟雾被收集并作为硅粉出售, 而不是被填埋.
原材料在电弧炉中加热,运行温度高达 2000 摄氏度. This process results in the production of very pure silicon and a smoke or fume containing silicon dioxide (二氧化硅).
Fume Collection
The smoke is collected in bag houses, which are large fabric filters. The smoke or fume is extremely fine, 与超过 95% of the particles having a diameter less than 1 微米. This fine powder is silica fume.
The collected silica fume is then processed and packaged for distribution. It’s typically sold in a densified or undensified form, depending on the specific needs of the customer.
Silica fume is used in concrete and other construction materials because it improves the strength and durability of the material. It’s also used in refractory, 陶瓷, 和其他工业应用.