主页 / 常问问题 / 混凝土矿物外加剂的效果如何?



Mineral additives from left to right are: 粉煤灰, roasted kaolin, 微硅粉, 粉煤灰, 矿粉, roasted shale

Concrete mineral admixture as a more commonly used engineering materials, its main role is to improve the gel material and the number of concrete, improve the stability and strength of concrete, and reduce the cost of raw materials, ETC。, in order to allow you to better understand the concrete mineral admixture, today for you to sort out the specific concrete mineral admixture application effect, especially the effect of mixing with silica fume admixture.

Water reduction function

添加 high-quality fly ash in concrete, according to the spherical appearance of fly ash, has a strong water-reducing effect, but if you add high-efficiency water-reducing agent in concrete, it can improve the concrete setting effect, and mixed with silica fume admixture in concrete, can effectively reduce the water in concrete. When the chemical water reducing agent in the concrete can not effectively reduce the water in the concrete, the use of mineral admixture can further increase the water reducing function of concrete and improve the stability of concrete.

The early strength function

When adding 混凝土中的硅粉, the hydration effect of silica fume is very good, the cohesion enhancement effect of concrete is very good, and then has a good effect of early strength, adding limestone powder in concrete also has a strong water reducing effect, early strength performance is also better, especially for the high content of dicalcium aluminate cement, in which the addition of admixtures, so that limestone powder and hydrated calcium aluminate chemical reaction. Enhance the early strength function of cement, and form the carbon aluminate complex with certain gelling function, which has a very strong early strength function.

Slow setting function

In the process of using concrete, concrete needs to have a certain slow setting effect to meet the requirements of construction, 例如, in the slow hydration of concrete admixtures, reduce the condensation effect of cement, such as adding fly ash, slag powder and other admixture particles, can effectively play the effect of slow setting.

Expansion function

In some places, the construction of concrete needs to have a certain expansion function, so that the cement can fill the void, 例如 “bauxite + gypsum + aluminum sulfateis the expansion agent for concrete, it is very widely used, the cost is relatively low, you can make full use of industrial waste instead, reduce the production cost of admixtures, and can obtain the corresponding expansion function.

Waterproof function

一般来说, the concrete to have a strong waterproof function, in the concrete mixed with efficient water reducing effect of water reducing agent and micro expansion of the admixture, can form a good density of cement stone, which can improve the waterproof function of concrete, but also to enhance the stability of concrete.

Anti-corrosion function

In the special environment, the concrete is required to have a certain anti-corrosion function, in the specific production process only need to add a certain amount of microsilica admixture 在具体的, will be able to meet the requirements of the admixture in the concrete when hydrated, the formation of the corresponding silicate crystal structure, so that it can form a relatively fixed hydrated calcium aluminosilicate is fixed to improve the corrosion resistance of concrete.

The effect of the application of mineral admixtures in concrete varies with the material used, so it is only right to use different mineral admixtures according to the different requirements of use.
Henan Superior Abrasives can supply micro silica fume products for different purposes and needs to our customers, and can fully meet the preparation of admixtures for different use requirements. 如有必要, 请在我们的网站上留言, or contact us through WhatsApp.


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