Huis / Blog / Factoren die de prijzen van silicadamp beïnvloeden in 2022

Factoren die de prijzen van silicadamp beïnvloeden in 2022

henan superior abrasives silica fume

Samenstelling en inhoud van silicadamp

Nu weten we dat de vereisten van verschillende industrieën voor silicadamp verschillend zijn, dan blijkt dat de normen en soorten silicadamp anders zijn, en voor deze verschillende ingrediënten en inhoud, requires silica fume manufacturers have the technology and equipment that can be classified production, these technologies and equipment directly affect the prijs van silicadamp, so the more you can provide different types of silica fume products, the price of its products The higher the price of the product, the higher the quality of the product is guaranteed.

From another point of view, the price of microsilica powder is different depending on its quality. As encrypted silica fume must go through the encryption process, then its price must be higher than non-encrypted silica fume; similarly, the price of high-purity silica fume is also higher than the price of ordinary dense silica fume, which requires the identification of silica fume for different national standards.

Market supply and demand

The market supply and demand has always been an unshakable factor affecting the price of the economic system, silica fume products are the same.

  1. We know that the production of silica fume can not be separated from the smelting of ferrosilicon, then when the demand for ferrosilicon is reduced, the production of silica fume will naturally be reduced, then for a normal market demand, it will cause an oversupply, or the market suddenly needs a large number of silica fume products, but the production of silica fume can not be increased, then it will also cause an oversupply, then the price of silica fume must rise sharply.
  2. If there is an oversupply, there will definitely be an oversupply. When the demand for silica fume in the market decreases, als de output van silicadamp hetzelfde blijft, of als de productie van silicadamp aanzienlijk toeneemt vanwege de grote vraag naar ferrosilicium, de onverkochte silicadamp zal zeker in prijs dalen door overaanbod.

Transport en verpakking

De prijs van silicadamp is ook gerelateerd aan de transportafstand en verpakking. Het maakt niet uit welk product, als het gaat om vervoer, het laat zien dat hoe verder de transportafstand:, hoe groter de prijsstijging, not to mention the transportation of silica fume is more trouble, the low bulk density of ordinary silica fume, so the same weight of silica fume volume is larger, more transportation costs, while more likely to fly apart, resulting in product loss, so the transportation costs are high, while encrypted silica fume can effectively solve the transportation costs.

De packaging of silica fume also has a certain influence on the price. silica fume belongs to gray powder products, its packaging directly affects the degree of spontaneous loss of the product, and good packaging can directly avoid this loss.

Momenteel, 10kg of water-soluble paper bags, its packaging cost per ton is about 300 yuan, while 25kg of paper bags with woven bags cost about 100 tot 150 yuan per ton of packaging, while a ton of volume packaging bags cost about 70 yuan per ton of packaging, so this is why silica fume is usually bought and sold by the ton.

Procurement volume

Silica fume is a product that can be sold at a low profit, when the customer’s one-time purchase volume reaches a certain size, silica fume manufacturers usually give greater concessions, and a large number of sales can save a lot of production, verpakking, transportation and other costs, so the price will naturally be quite low.


samengevat, de prijs van silicafume, or based on a variety of factors to determine the price of fabrikanten van silicafume have been given, Henan Superior Abrasives here to remind everyone, through the above factors affecting the price, je kunt volledig beoordelen of het consumenten bedriegt. Henan Superior Abrasives is gespecialiseerd in onderzoek en ontwikkeling, productie en verkoop van silicadampproducten;, kan klanten in verschillende industrieën voorzien van verschillende inhoud en verschillende toepassingen van hoogwaardige silicadamp;, en de prijs is geschikt, geïnteresseerden kunnen een bericht achterlaten op onze website, als een groot aantal behoeften, u kunt ook onze klantenservice bellen voor een gedetailleerd gesprek.

Verkoop manager: Yasin Zhao

Whatsapp: 008615981847002


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