Norchem is the largest silica fume producer in North America, inşaat sektörü için yüksek performanslı beton katkıları sağlamaya odaklanıyoruz. Kuzey Amerika'da silis dumanını geliştiren ve tanıtan ilk şirket olarak, Norchem zengin teknik deneyime sahiptir, mükemmel müşteri desteği sağladı, ve geçmişte yüksek ürün kalitesi sağladık 30 yıllar. Ürünleri yüksek performanslı betonda yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır., püskürtme beton, petrol kuyusu enjeksiyonu, ve çimento bazlı tamir ürünleri. Norchem, Globe Metallurgical'ın tamamına sahip olduğu bir yan kuruluşudur., Inc., Ferroglobe Grubuna bağlı olan. Ferroglobe is one of the world’s largest producers of metallic silicon and silicon-based specialty alloys.
Silica Fume Products
Norchem offers both yoğunlaşmamış ve yoğunlaştırılmış silika dumanı, tailored to meet diverse construction needs.
Silica fume is utilized in various applications, içermek:
- Somut: Enhances strength and durability.
- Çimento Tamir Ürünleri: Improves bonding and longevity.
- Concrete Tiles & Paneller: Provides superior finish and resilience.
- Fiber Çimento Levhalar (FCB), Roofing & duvar panoları: Increases durability and resistance.
- püskürtme beton: Improves adhesion and reduces rebound.
- Petrol Kuyusu Enjeksiyon: Enhances sealing and strength.
- polimerler & Elastomerler: Improves mechanical properties.
- Dayanıklı & seramik: Increases thermal stability.
- Kendiliğinden Yerleşen Beton: Improves flowability and strength.
- Ultra High Performance Concrete: Achieves exceptional strength and durability.
Notable Projects
Norchem’s silica fume has been integral in numerous high-profile projects, including the Four Seasons Hotel & Tower in Miami, FL, where extremely dense reinforcing steel required self-consolidating high-performance silica-fume concrete.
- Panama Canal – Panama
- Society ( Key Corp. ) Tower – Cleveland, Ohio
- Titanium Plant Retrofit – Henderson, Nevada
- One World Trade Center – New York City, NY
Daha fazla bilgi için, visit Norchem’s official website:
Henan Üstün Zımparalar (HSA): Building the future of the industry with Norchem
As one of the largest silika dumanı and silicon carbide producers in China, Henan Üstün Zımparalar (HSA) is focused on providing high-quality building material solutions to global customers. HSA’s microsilica fume products have won international market recognition for their superior cost-effectiveness and reliable quality control.
HSA’s products are widely used in a variety of fields such as bridge construction, ısıya dayanıklı malzemeler, endüstriyel döşeme, vb., which coincides with Norchem’s application direction. With rich export experience and comprehensive technical support, HSA is providing customers with one-stop services from production to application.
Örneğin, HSA has recently performed well in the expansion of markets such as Hindistan, Belgium, ve Kolombiya. Its microsilica fume products have been successfully used in infrastructure construction in many countries, bringing tangible value to customers.
- E-posta:
- Naber: +86-18638638803