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Die Vorteile von Silikastaub in Walzbeton (RCC)

Roller-Compacted Concrete

RCC ist ein Nulleinbruch, Betonmischung mit geringem Wassergehalt, die mit Vibrationswalzen verdichtet wird. Es wird häufig in Gehwegen verwendet, Dämme, und strapazierfähige Industrieböden aufgrund seiner hohen Festigkeit und Langlebigkeit.

Wie Silica Fume RCC verbessert

Wenn Quarzstaub zu RCC hinzugefügt wird, es reagiert mit dem bei der Zementhydratation entstehenden Calciumhydroxid, Bildung von Calciumsilikathydrat (CSH). Das resultierende CSH ist dichter und stärker, was die Gesamteigenschaften des Betons verbessert. Außerdem, Die ultrafeinen Silikastaubpartikel füllen die Hohlräume zwischen den Zementpartikeln, Schaffung einer dichteren und undurchlässigeren Betonmatrix.

Vorteile von Silica Fume bei RCC

Die Einarbeitung von Silikastaub in RCC bietet zahlreiche Vorteile, einschließlich:

Verbesserte Stärke

Silikastaub erhöht sowohl die Druck- als auch die Zugfestigkeit von RCC, making it more suitable for heavy-duty applications.

Erhöhte Haltbarkeit

The denser CSH formed by the reaction between silica fume and calcium hydroxide enhances the durability of RCC, protecting it from chemical attacks and reducing its long-term maintenance requirements.

Reduzierte Durchlässigkeit

Silica fume’s ultrafine particles fill the voids in the concrete matrix, reducing permeability and improving the concrete’s resistance to water and chloride ion penetration.

Enhanced Abrasion Resistance

The addition of silica fume to RCC improves its abrasion resistance, wodurch es widerstandsfähiger gegen Verschleiß wird, particularly in industrial settings.

Better Freeze-Thaw Resistance

Silica fume’s contribution to a denser concrete matrix results in increased freeze-thaw resistance, making RCC more suitable for use in cold climates.

The Role of Silica Fume in Reducing Cement Content

One of the key benefits of using silica fume in RCC is that it allows for a reduction in cement content without compromising the concrete’s performance. By partially replacing cement with silica fume, the overall cost of the concrete mix can be reduced, and the environmental impact of cement production can be minimized.

Fallstudien: Successful Applications of Silica Fume in RCC

Bakun Dam, Malaysia

1. Bakun Dam, Malaysia

Completed in 2011, the Bakun Dam is the tallest concrete-faced rockfill dam in Southeast Asia. Silica fume was incorporated in the RCC mix to improve the dam’s strength, Haltbarkeit, und Beständigkeit gegen chemische Angriffe. Als Ergebnis, the dam has shown exceptional performance in withstanding the harsh tropical environment and the immense pressure of the impounded water.

2. Gibe III Dam, Ethiopia

The Gibe III Dam, completed in 2016, is the third-largest RCC dam in Africa. Silica fume played a crucial role in enhancing the concrete’s strength and durability, making it suitable for the aggressive environment, which included exposure to fluctuating water levels and variable temperatures. The dam now generates 1,870 MW of power, contributing significantly to Ethiopia’s electricity supply.

3. Upper Stillwater Dam, Vereinigte Staaten

Located in Utah, the Upper Stillwater Dam was completed in 1987 and was the first major RCC dam in the United States. The use of silica fume in the RCC mix resulted in increased compressive strength, reduzierte Durchlässigkeit, and enhanced durability. These improvements allowed the dam to withstand the stresses associated with its primary function as a flood control and water storage facility.

These successful applications of silica fume in roller-compacted concrete demonstrate the material’s versatility and potential in improving the performance of various types of projects across the globe.


The incorporation of silica fume in roller-compacted concrete provides numerous advantages in terms of strength, Haltbarkeit, permeability, Abriebfestigkeit, und Frost-Tausalz-Beständigkeit. Außerdem, the environmental benefits of using silica fume, including reduced cement content and repurposing industrial waste, make it a sustainable option for modern construction projects. Jedoch, proper handling and safety measures must be observed to overcome the challenges and limitations associated with silica fume use in RCC.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

  1. What is the typical dosage of silica fume in RCC?

The dosage of silica fume in RCC varies depending on the project requirements. Jedoch, it typically ranges from 5% zu 15% nach Gewicht Zement.

  1. Can silica fume be used with other ergänzende zementartige Materialien?

Ja, silica fume can be used in combination with other supplementary cementitious materials, such as fly ash and slag, to further enhance the properties of RCC.

  1. Does the addition of silica fume affect the curing process of RCC?

The addition of silica fume may require adjustments to the curing process due to its high reactivity. Adequate curing is essential to ensure the desired performance of RCC containing silica fume.

  1. Is silica fume suitable for all types of concrete projects?

While silica fume offers numerous advantages, its suitability depends on the specific project requirements and desired properties of the concrete. It is essential to consult with engineers and material suppliers to determine the appropriate use of silica fume in a given project.

  1. How is silica fume added to the RCC mix?

Silica fume can be added to the RCC mix either as a dry powder or as a slurry, abhängig von den Anforderungen des Projekts und dem konkreten Produktionsprozess.

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