- Proper Mix Design: When incorporating silica fume into your mix design, it’s essential to adjust other mixture components to achieve the desired workability and performance. A typical dosage of silica fume in a concrete mix is 5% zu 15% nach Gewicht Zement.
- Water Content: Silica fume generally requires more water than conventional concrete due to its high surface area. Jedoch, adding more water can result in a lower strength mix. Deswegen, Wasserreduzierende Zusätze werden häufig in Kombination mit Silikastaub verwendet, um die erforderliche Verarbeitbarkeit ohne Beeinträchtigung der Festigkeit zu erreichen.
- Mischen: Silica-Rauch sollte der Mischung langsam zugesetzt werden, um eine Verklumpung zu vermeiden und eine gründliche Verteilung zu gewährleisten. Die Mischzeit nach der Zugabe des Silikastaubs sollte ausreichend sein, um sicherzustellen, dass der Silikastaub vollständig in der Mischung verteilt ist.
- Aushärtung: Quarzstaubbeton muss ordnungsgemäß ausgehärtet werden, um seine volle potenzielle Festigkeit zu erreichen. Curing should be started as soon as possible and continue for a longer period compared to conventional concrete.
- Use of Admixtures: High-range water reducers (HRWR), or superplasticizers, are usually needed in silica fume concrete mixes to improve workability. Without these, the mix can be very stiff and difficult to handle and place.
- Safety: Silica fume is a fine powder, like cement, and is harmful if inhaled. Deswegen, necessary safety precautions, including masks and eye protection, should be used when handling silica fume.
- Qualitätskontrolle: As with all components of concrete, it is crucial to have a rigorous quality control program in place to ensure consistency and meet the project’s specifications.
- Training: All personnel involved in the mixing, placement, and curing of silica fume concrete should be properly trained to understand the characteristics of the material and the need for accurate proportioning, thorough mixing, proper placement, and extended curing.