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Silica Fume Price per kg

Silica Fume Price per kg

Silica fume is a finely divided powder of silica, produced as a byproduct of the silicothermic reduction of quartz to silicon metal. It is a

Microsilica 600 for Sale

Microsilica 600 for Sale

Microsilica 600 is a naturally occurring amorphous silica that is used as a pozzolanic additive in concrete. It is a fine powder with a particle

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Undensified Silica Fume

Undensified Silica Fume, which is made from a large amount of highly volatile silicon monoxide gas produced during the smelting process, is rapidly oxidized with air and condensed into silica dust.

Densified Silica Fume

Densified Silica Fume, is a further processing of the original micro-silica fume to obtain a denser encrypted micro-silica fume.

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