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How to Use Silica Fume in Concrete Batching Plants

Concrete Batching Plant

Silica fume can be added to concrete batching plants in a variety of ways. It can be added dry, in slurry form, or in a preblended mix. The best method for adding silica fume will depend on the specific concrete plant and the type of concrete being produced.

Adding Silica Fume Dry

Silica fume can be added dry to concrete batching plants by using a silo or hopper. The silica fume is added to the concrete mix along with the other ingredients.

It is important to add silica fume dry slowly and evenly to the concrete mix. If silica fume is added too quickly, it can cause the concrete to segregate.

Adding Silica Fume in Slurry Form

Silica fume can also be added to concrete batching plants in slurry form. Silica fume slurry is made by mixing silica fume with water. The slurry is then added to the concrete mix along with the other ingredients.

Adding silica fume in slurry form is a good way to ensure that the silica fume is evenly distributed throughout the concrete mix. However, it is important to note that silica fume slurry can be more expensive than dry silica fume.

Adding Silica Fume in a Preblended Mix

Adding silica fume in a preblended mix is a good way to ensure that the silica fume is evenly distributed throughout the concrete mix. Preblended mixes are made by mixing silica fume with the other ingredients in the concrete mix in advance. The preblended mix is then added to the concrete batching plant along with the other ingredients.

The steps on add silica fume in concrete batching plant:

  1. Prepare the silica fume. Silica fume should be stored in a dry, cool place. It should be kept in a sealed container to prevent it from absorbing moisture.
  2. Prepare the other ingredients. The other ingredients in the concrete mix, such as cement, sand, and gravel, should also be stored in a dry, cool place.
  3. Measure the silica fume. The amount of silica fume to add to the concrete mix will depend on the desired properties of the concrete. The manufacturer’s instructions should be followed.
  4. Mix the silica fume with the other ingredients. The silica fume should be mixed with the other ingredients in a preblending machine. The machine should be set to a slow speed to prevent the silica fume from becoming airborne.
  5. Add the preblended mix to the concrete batching plant. The preblended mix should be added to the concrete batching plant along with the other ingredients.

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